Joint Pain in 30s and Above – Know the Cаuѕеѕ & Its Prevention

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Joint Pain in 30s and Above – Know the Cаuѕеѕ & Its Prevention


Today’s generation has the most inactive lifestyle. With smartphones and other gadgets taking over the lives of youth and children alike, outdoor activities and games are becoming a thing of the past for most of them.

What we are unaware of is the fact that staying inactive makes people obese and prone to joint pain, according to studies[1].

According to Arthritis Foundation, obesity prevalence is 54% higher amongst adults with chronic illness such as arthritis than people without arthritis. This clearly shows that correlation between staying fit and joint pains.

Everyone would have faced with joint pains of some sort at some point in their life. However, not all pain is the same and not all pain can cause damage. Age plays a crucial role in determining the type of joint pain and its severity.

What is Joint Pain and its Causes?

Joint Pain And Its Causes
There are different reasons for joint pains. Generally, pain occurs in the joint when the ligaments, bursa or tendons around the joints get injured.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Some may experience pain when indulging in intense physical activities such as running, workout or weight lifting.

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It can also occur due to joint inflammatory diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

There are extremely rare cases of cancer in the joint. Some of the symptoms of joint pain are joint redness, tenderness, swelling, limping, stiffness and weaknesses. Let’s see some of the stages of pain throughout our lives.

How to Deal with Joint Pain in your 30’s?

Joint Pain In Your 30s

Since it is one of the healthiest phases of our lives, joint pain and any associated symptoms and signs are very rare. In most cases, any pain in the joints could be because of injuries from physical activities or overuses of joints.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

High immunity and better flexibility reduce the chance of joint pain in the younger population.

Any minor injury or discomfit will heal itself with time or with some rest. However, the sedentary lifestyle of people causes issues related to joints and muscles to young people as well in recent years.

According to studies[2], sedentary behavior in an individual’s youth increases chances of rheumatoid arthritis as they grow old.

Investing time and effort during this period to stay active and fit will play a crucial role in staying healthy in the coming years.

How to Cope Joint pain in your 40’s?

Joint Pain In Your 40s
A lot of people will start to experience initial signs of arthritis in the ’40s along with other symptoms such as deteriorating flexibility. You will start to notice that any injuries or pain won’t heal as easy as it used to.

You may need to take additional rest in case of injuries or pain. This is because the joint’s wear and tear process is getting slower due to age and other factors. Along with early signs of arthritis, many will experience problems like bursitis, tendonitis and other similar issues.

All these will slow down your mobility and flexibility. Although preventing chronic joint pains after initial symptoms appear is difficult, adopting an active lifestyle at least in your 40’s can decelerate the progress of the diseases and help you to prolong your active years.

Regular stretching contributes a lot to improved movements and reduced pain. Overusing your joints should also be avoided at this stage as they are more vulnerable to damage and fracture. You should examine and keep track of your joint health at least once in 2 years once you enter your forties.

How to Handle Joint Pain in your 50’s?

Joint Pain In Your 50’srheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, spinal curvature and many more. At this age, women are more vulnerable to the above said diseases due to menopause[3] as it triggers joint pain and associated issues. You slowly lose your ability to mobilize and the joints become stiffer and non-flexible.

Frequent joint pains will start to affect the quality of your life. A few people would still be able to manage the pain with light stretching and lifestyle modifications.

The best thing to do at this point of time is to intentionally reduce movements and activities that put pressure on your joints. Limit your physical activity to only light walking, stretching and movements. Most important thing to consider after you cross your 50’s is to avoid fractures at any cost as it will take a long time to heal and sometimes just won’t!

How to Tackle Joint Pain after 60?

Joint Pain After 60
Osteoporosis[4] becomes the biggest problem after you reach 60. Any movement that puts pressure on joints should be eliminated especially if you are already suffering from any chronic joint pain.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

At this point, your body’s wear and tear are at the lowest and your cartilages and tendons are weaker than ever.

The key here is to keep promoting your joint health as you age so that you can add a few more good years to your life than people who lead an idle life. Even at this stage, a healthy diet will help you deal with the pain in a much better way.

Read NextArthritis Muscle Pain – Know the Causes of Knee Muscle Pain


Eventually, it doesn’t matter if you are 30, 40, 50, or 60. What matters is how healthy a life you are able to lead and how much you enjoy your life.
Pain is always a road blocker of happiness. It takes away your ability to lead a normal life even for a temporary period of time. Diseases like arthritis can permanently rob your mobility and quality of life.

It is always best to take care of your body from the early age itself by staying fit and active so that you attack joint pain and inflammation before they can attack you. As they say, the motion is the lotion for our joints.

So, indulge in outdoor activities, reduce the use of smartphones and other gadgets, maintain good posture, and practice regular stretching even for 10 minutes a day.

Diet also contributes to healthy joints. Include proteins and omega 3 fatty acids plenty in your diet. People with arthritis can improve their condition by shifting to a plant-based diet. In the end, it all comes down to how well you take care of your body. Nevertheless, combine a joint health supplement such as Curamin which might provide instant relief to all your joint health problems.

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Melissa Feldman writes about a range of lifestyle topics, including health, fitness, nutrition, and the intersection of them all. She has undergraduate degrees in both teaching and psychology. She spent almost 20 years writing and designing English as a Second Language educational materials, including several textbooks. She has presented the cumulative research of many health topics ranging from dietary supplements to joint pain relief products and topical pain reliever. She is skilled at writing compelling articles and producing academic, marketing and creative content. Melissa currently lives in Toronto, Canada and works as an independent research writer. She has more than a decade of experience reviewing and editing publications intended for both public and professional audiences. You can connect with her on.


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